Madeira liegt etwas nördlich der Kanaren im Atlantik. Zu Portugal gehörend spricht man dort Portugiesisch. Liebhaber der Insel nennen sie „Insel des ewigen Frühlings“ , wegen der angenehmen Temperaturen. Mit 57km in der Länge und 22km in der Breite ist sie überschaubar. Gut zu Fuss muss man allerdings sein, die 1862 Höhenmeter bis zum Gipfel des Pico Ruivo zu schaffen. Er ist der höchste einer Reihe ähnlich hoher Berge. Madeira ist etwas für Wanderer und Naturliebhaber, eher nicht für Strandurlauber, da es sich meist um Steilküsten handelt. Zu empfehlen ist das öffentliche Transportsystem. Mit dem Bus erreicht man so gut wie jeden Fleck der Insel.
Funchal, Main Square
Gosebruch Photography
Transporting wine barrels
Gosebruch Photography
Funchal, winery
Gosebruch Photography
Funchal, winery
Gosebruch Photography
Funchal, winery
Gosebruch Photography
Funchal, Artwork
Gosebruch Photography
Funchal, Art Gallery
Gosebruch Photography
Funchal, Art Gallery
Gosebruch Photography
Bird of paradise
Gosebruch Photography
Gosebruch Photography
Funchal, shot-putter
Gosebruch Photography
Funchal, Casino
Gosebruch Photography
Funchal, fresh market
Gosebruch Photography
Funchal, fish Market
Gosebruch Photography
Funchal, fish Market
Gosebruch Photography
Funchal, fish Market
Gosebruch Photography
white camellia
Gosebruch Photography
white camellia
Gosebruch Photography
"Our Lady of Monte" Church
Gosebruch Photography
"Our Lady of Monte" Church
Gosebruch Photography
"Our Lady of Monte" Church
Gosebruch Photography
Gosebruch Photography
Zarco Monument, downtown
Gosebruch Photography
Irish Pub
Gosebruch Photography
Gosebruch Photography
Entrance door
Gosebruch Photography
Quiet park
Gosebruch Photography
Face of old tree
Gosebruch Photography
Palheiro Gardens
Gosebruch Photography
Madeira Art, Camacha
Gosebruch Photography
Gosebruch Photography
Curral das Freiras
Gosebruch Photography
Curral das Freiras
Gosebruch Photography
Steep coast
Gosebruch Photography
Levada dos tornos
Gosebruch Photography
Gosebruch Photography
Gosebruch Photography
open flower
Gosebruch Photography
Camara de Lobos
Gosebruch Photography
W.Churchill was painting here
Gosebruch Photography
Camara de Lobos
Gosebruch Photography
Drying fish, Camara de Lobos
Gosebruch Photography
Old meets Young
Gosebruch Photography
Your soul may anchor here
Gosebruch Photography